Allison Denney
Allison Denney has been a practicing massage therapist for 20 plus years. In addition to cultivating a flourishing private practice, she has established herself as an integral part of the massage community through her years as a teacher, her popular YouTube channel, and her launch of the Rebel Massage organic, professional-grade Deep Tissue Body Butters. Her passion for client care and fascination with anatomy continues to drive her to never stop growing.
About the course
In this recorded episode of the live-stream seminar series, join Allison as she unpacks the adductors and the trick to accessing them more efficiently. Learn what dysfunctions commonly arise in the adductors and watch the techniques that are demonstrated to help work with clients in this area. Explore different approaches and expand your work around the adductors, the quads, the hamstrings, and more. Get your table, your client and your hands ready! It is time to elevate your practice!
Learning Objective: Students will gain knowledge and techniques geared toward working on the adductors and how to approach them with efficiency.
Learning Outcome: Students will better understand the anatomy and physiology of the adductors and how to approach them with efficiency.