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Grip vs Melt. Also The Meaning Of Life.

Get A Grip. Total Meltdown. No I am not describing my life with teenagers. Although there are some deep truths in there. Subconscious naming of my butters? Maybe...

The eternal question is not, as you might have thought, "what is the meaning of life?" Nor is it "why do I hate autocorrect so much?". It is really, what is the difference between the Get A Grip Deep Tissue Body Butter and Total Meltdown Professional Bodywork Butter? Because herein lies the answers to the questions of the universe. No. Really. All the questions. Ok maybe not all. But a lot.

Get A Grip - as its name infers, this butter is thick and a little tacky and allows you to "grip" the tissues under the skin. Because of its lack of fashion (it's soooo tacky!), also known as grip-tatude, your work slows down which allows you to palpate more thoroughly which allows you to sink deeper which allows you to separate the muscle tissue from the connective tissue which allows you to understand the layers of dysfunction which allows you to understand - on a deeper level - where the tension really is which allows you take a moment and ask your client to breathe which allows your client to let go which allows you to create a profound change which releases endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin which creates happiness which is what we are all searching for. See? I wasn't kidding.

Total Meltdown - this stuff melts the moment you start using it. (And in a hot car. So don't leave it in a hot car.) It is whipped to perfection and so it is much lighter than its counterpart - Grip. It is silkier and provides much more glide which allows you to connect your strokes which allows you to flow from one technique into the next which allows you to get into a rhythm which allows your client to feel more as a "connected one" as opposed to a "conglomeration of isolated parts struggling to not battle each other with every movement of every day" which releases endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin which creates happiness which is what we are all searching for. Again. Not kidding.

Also Melt is great for clients with excessive body hair.

Also Melt does have a little grip in it. If you want totally slippery slip-tatude use oil.

Also I have been told that Melt is a great salve for newly tattooed body parts.

As for the scents? My uniquely named butters are called such for a host of reasons. For example...

The particular dysfunctions they target:

Sore Loser - geared towards sore muscles.

Fault In Our Scars - great for scar tissue and skin health.

Or the olfactory trigger:

For The Smell Of It - triggers joy joy joy in my brain.

Or its rebellion against smell altogether:

Shea My Name - All butter. No scent.

Or what I am binge watching at the moment:

Game Of Bones - Obviously a Game Of Thrones moment.

But also targets arthritis and joint health.

Which I think Tyrion Lannister struggles with.

You get the picture.

Each scent can be found in either the Grip butter base or the Melt butter base. So whether you want to achieve karmic nirvana through profound (another word for deep) tissue bodywork or through the rhythmic flow of zoning out - the choice is yours.

Use butter. Spread happiness.

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